7 Ways To Support Your Mental Health, Especially During Wedding Planning.

7 Ways To Support Your Mental Health, Especially During Wedding Planning.

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  • Posted by: Nicole Strykowski

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the things that come with adulting: grocery shopping, cooking, doing the laundry, cleaning, finances. The list is endless and it doesn’t stop if you’re feeling down. This can feel even more amplified if you’ve begun planning a wedding. What is supposed to be one of the most special days of your life should not bring you such inner turmoil. Luckily, there are ways to help release the weight of these feelings. This list is nothing out of the ordinary, but most of the time when we are feeling down, it’s usually because we’re forgetting to prioritize the most basic of tasks. Here are 6 things to remind yourself to do to support your mental well being, especially if you’re planning a wedding.

1. Move your body.

It doesn’t matter how you do it and no one is telling you to run 5 miles every morning. We are telling you to find your movement. Find the activity that makes you excited to be alive! For some it is running, and for others it’s pilates, hot yoga, or weight lifting. It could even be hula hooping, roller blading, or surfing. Energy can become stagnant in your body from sitting many hours at work or home, and even if you’re just feeling a lot of stress. Help your body move this energy! You will most likely find yourself feeling even more energized afterwards, and if you don’t, then you might need to try a new way of exercising. When you start to consistently show up to something, your mind and body will start to integrate those movement and feelings throughout your day. Leaving you feeling GOOD and ready to handle anything that comes your way.

2. Eat regularly and well

Did you know that your cells literally regenerate themselves and create a complete new skin and body for you every 7 years? What do you think it uses to do that? FOOD. What you put in and on your body truly matters and literally becomes YOU. If you notice you are feeling cranky or irritable or just bleh, first ask yourself if you’ve done the “bare minimum”. When was that last time you ate? Most of the time the root problem of frustrating feelings is your body begging you for more energy. The nutrients you absorb from food are directly related to the hormones created in your gut. And those hormones regulate your moods. It’s all connected! Make sure you eat regularly and gain the right nutrients for YOUR body so it can have a better fighting chance at handling any stress. I know this sounds easier said than done, so make it easy for yourself. There are many healthy meal plan services or free online healthy recipes to try.

3. Spend time unplugged with loved ones.

It’s important to take a break from all the wedding planning and unplug for a while. You need space away to recharge and get re-inspired. Spending time with loved ones can be a source of that joy. If you do want to talk about wedding things, maybe make it a point to remind yourself of the reasons why you even want to be married. Remind yourself and your partner why you fell in love and want to make this beautiful commitment. Talk to your parents or aunts and uncles about their “why” and remember these beautiful moments if you ever feel stress creeping back up. Love will always conquer fear.

4. Positive affirmations.

This one might seem silly and not useful, but i’m telling you just try it. Words are literal magic and the more you tell yourself positive things, the more you begin to feel worthy and confident of them. Compliments from others bring you a feeling of being seen and appreciated. So why not give that feeling to yourself. I have found that in many stressful moments, positive affirmations have calmed me down immensely. Try these to start:

I am abundant. I am creative. I am always exactly where i need to be. I am grateful. I am worthy. I am beautiful. I am radiant. I am planning a wedding perfect for me and my fiance.

5. Be mindful of who you surround yourself with.

You can be doing all of the above and it wouldn’t matter if you are constantly surrounded with people or environments that bring you down and leave you feeling empty. Humans are social creatures and community is a very important part of bringing balance to your life. Be mindful of who you surround yourself with before, during, and after the wedding. Prioritize YOUR peace, for yourself and your relationship. If you’re stressing about whether or not you should invite someone to your wedding and you find yourself spending so much energy thinking about it, stop. That right there should tell you that they are probably not the best choice to keep around for your well-being. Anyone taking that much energy away from you does not need to be around for one of your most special moments. This doesn’t need to be a drastic thing. This is just when hard conversations need to be had. But with every hard conversation, comes more peace and clarity. It is your wedding, and you are allowed to make the rules. Give yourself the luxury of your own choice.

6. Focus on yourself.

If finances are causing you a lot of stress, take a step back and Pinpoint what is actually important to you. Your wedding day is not something you can compare to anyone else’s, just like your relationship shouldn’t be compared to anyone else’s. It is unique to you and your desires. If a small intimate backyard wedding makes you happy, but you keep comparing it to your best friends extravagant wedding, then you will always be stealing that happiness away from yourself. Allow yourself the happiness you deserve, and embody that main character energy.

7. Meditation

This one can feel more difficult to include in your life. Trying to sit down for 5 or 10 minutes a day and do absolutely nothing can be harder than you think. We are so used to being constantly connected and on our phones. Stress makes your mind race with thoughts of what you need to do, what you’re doing wrong, or what others are thinking of you. Stress is completely normal and exists to alert you to take action, but it could also be doing more harm than good when those thoughts start to intrude and pile up. Meditation helps you sit with these thoughts, realize that most of them are not even true, and eventually let them go. There are so many great guided meditations on youtube and Spotify, high frequency vibration meditation music, and you can even book yourself a Reiki session to gain a deeply relaxing experience.

Tip: Try using an eye pillow when meditation to more easily relax.

Your wedding is exactly that. YOUR wedding. Let go of the “perfect” idea in your head and understand that things will happen exactly the way it’s supposed to happen for you. Don’t be so hard on yourself and release the pressure of any perfect idea. Your wedding will already be perfect as it is. If these tips helped you, let us know! Find us on Instagram @loveafrose.

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